Aug 27, 2020
The Kindy and Year Three students baked up a storm yesterday, making some Vanilla cakes, which were sold to students today. All the money raised goes directly back into the upkeep and maintenance of the Market Garden and Chicken Coop.
Aug 20, 2020
Last Sunday, 20 children from our school and the parish received the Sacrament of Eucharist for the very first time. It was wonderful to see the church filled with family, friends and parishioners who came along to be witnesses to this special time in these children’s lives. Like Baptism, the reception of the Eucharist brings us into a closer association with God. Each time we receive the Eucharist we become continually formed to the likeness of Christ and become one with God.
Aug 13, 2020
On Monday, our Year 1 students led the school through a lovely Liturgy of the Word in celebration of Australia’s saint, St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. They shared some information and prayers about Mary MacKillop, and I was very proud of the way they read and conducted themselves throughout the Liturgy. Mary MacKillop founded the Order of the Sisters of St Joseph, the founders of our school, when it was known as St Joseph’s Convent School, back before we became St Thomas More Catholic Primary School in 1993. Mary MacKillop had a saying – ‘Never see a need without doing something about it’. This certainly still stands true today, and something we continually try to reinforce with our students.
Aug 6, 2020
Today, Mrs Achmad and myself are attending the Catholic Education Leaders’ Roadshow in Bunbury, which provides an opportunity for leaders in the Bunbury Diocese to gather and share experiences during COVID-19 times, look at what is happening in current Catholic education and hearing about plans for improvement to ensure all students in Catholic schools receive a quality Catholic education. We look forward to coming back with some fresh perspectives and good understandings.
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