St Thomas More Catholic Primary School

Margaret River

30 Wallcliffe Road
Margaret River WA 6285

P.O. Box 524
Margaret River WA 6285

Phone: (08) 9757 3544

St Thomas More Catholic Primary School

Margaret River

30 Wallcliffe Road
Margaret River WA 6285

P.O. Box 524
Margaret River WA 6285

Phone: (08) 9757 3544





Inspiring life-long learners who live their faith and contribute positively to our world





Inspiring life-long learners who live their faith and contribute positively to our world

The Vine 2024 – Issue 19

The Vine 2024 – Issue 19

This week, the students have participated in some sessions focusing on wellbeing. This has included spiritual, mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.

The Vine 2024 – Issue 18

The Vine 2024 – Issue 18

As we reach the mid-way point in our year, it was wonderful to read through the children's reports and see just how much learning the children have done so far.

The Vine 2024 – Issue 17

The Vine 2024 – Issue 17

Congratulations to the 9 students from our Year 4 class who received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion last Sunday. In a reverent celebration, it was joyous to see these young people share in Jesus’ special meal and participate in this special part of the Eucharist. A special thank you to Mrs Achmad for her preparation of the students and to Mrs Drake and Ms Shoppee for their help in preparing for this special celebration.

The Vine 2024 – Issue 16

The Vine 2024 – Issue 16

This Sunday 9 June, 9 of our students will be receiving the Sacrament of Eucharist for the very first time. This is a very special time in the lives of these students, as they continue their spiritual journey and marking a significant milestone in their faith formation. These children, with the help and support of their parents and teachers, have been preparing for some time now to make this commitment to Jesus and deepen their relationship and connection to Him.

The Vine 2024 – Issue 14

The Vine 2024 – Issue 14

A massive thank you to all the parents who came along and helped out last Sunday at our Busy Bee. They did an amazing job of netting the Market garden, moving garden beds, removing rubbish and cleaning out the garden/storage shed. Your help is truly appreciated!!

The Vine 2024 – Issue 13

The Vine 2024 – Issue 13

Last Friday, the P&F hosted a wonderful event fostering a sense of community among women and provide support for their wellbeing. The event, held at Riversmith cafe, was attended by over 90 guests, where they were able to listen to guest speakers, including our own Kellie Tannock and Mel Howard. A massive congratulations and well done to our amazing P&F for organising such a wonderful community event, showcasing the inclusivity of our school and the support we can offer to others. I was very proud to be associated with this!

The Vine 2024 – Issue 12

The Vine 2024 – Issue 12

On Wednesday, the Kindergarten Mothers and Grandmothers were given a special treat by the Kindy children, with nail painting, special crowns and a fabulous performance. It wrapped up with the students presenting their Mums/Grandmums with a special card and some home-baked banana and choc-chip muffins!

The Vine 2024 – Issue 11

The Vine 2024 – Issue 11

Welcome back to Term 2! I hope you all had a wonderful break, filled with many special moments enjoying the great weather, resting and relaxing. I also hope all families had a fantastic Easter period and were able to spend some time together and reflect on the true meaning of Easter. It was really wonderful to see the children arrive at school yesterday morning with smiles on their faces and lots of stories to share.

The Vine 2024 – Issue 10

The Vine 2024 – Issue 10

This afternoon, our students from Year 1 to 5 formed groups to participate in the Peer Support program. Our Year 6 students did an amazing job leading these groups, allowing the children to think positively and develop resilience. I was fortunate enough to be part of the Year 6 debrief following this session and they all spoke so positively about the way the students engaged and participated in the sessions. Peer Support sessions will run each fortnight after lunch on a Thursday.

The Vine 2024 – Issue 09

The Vine 2024 – Issue 09

This morning, the Year 5 students led us through a very reverent Mass celebrating the Last Supper and when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. Fr Mat re-enacted this by washing 12 of the students’ and teachers’ feet. The children were asked to remember the importance of the upcoming Easter celebrations and the sacrifice Jesus made for us.

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