Feb 28, 2019
As we continue our fourth week of the term, the freshness and excitement of ‘day one’ has begun to wear off and students are becoming familiar with the school routines. For parents, the daily routine of getting your children out of bed, dressed, fed and ready for school, lunches organised, homework checked and notes read, can become a very hectic schedule.
Feb 21, 2019
As a school, and in particular, a Catholic Primary School, we have been given as parents and educators, one of the greatest honours and responsibilities that are bestowed on an individual. We have been entrusted with the privilege to help nurture, educate and form the lives of young people in a way that is in accordance with Gospel values. If we were to really look seriously at this task, it may be considered far too overwhelming to even contemplate.
Feb 14, 2019
I was fortunate enough to spend some time in the classrooms this week finding out about the different learning that is taking place. It is wonderful to see the teaching programs allowing students to take ownership over their learning and demonstrate their knowledge in different ways.
Feb 7, 2019
It has been a wonderful start to the 2019 school year. I love seeing the smiling faces of the students as they have come into school each day. I have really appreciated the warm welcome I have received and thank the school community for the good wishes and offers of support. I look forward to getting to know you and becoming a real part of this community.
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