Sep 21, 2022
I would like to congratulate those students who received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion on Sunday. It was so special to witness these children receive Jesus for the very first time and take another step closer to being full members of the Catholic church. Congratulations to you all!
Sep 16, 2022
The Year 5 students spent the past three days on their school camp to Busselton. During this time, they were able to further develop their leadership skills, enjoy new experiences and discover more about one another. A huge thank you to Mrs Shoppee and Mrs Achmad for attending the camp and to Mr Jon Miller for driving the bus and helping on camp. There were some very tired children when they got off the bus yesterday!
Sep 9, 2022
Thank you to all those parents and family members who came along to our Learning Journey afternoon. It was wonderful to see so much engagement between the children and their parents, explaining the learning that has been taking place over the term. We feel it is a great opportunity for parents to see their child’s work and for the children to really begin to take responsibility for their learning. I appreciate the work the teachers put into their rooms to ensure the children’s work was displayed so creatively.
Sep 1, 2022
Today, our Year 4 students travelled to Augusta for a retreat to learn more about the Sacrament of Eucharist. They completed many different activities which helped strengthen their understanding of this special meal Jesus gave us, before they receive the Sacrament on Sunday 18th September. A special thank you to Mrs Achmad, Mrs Chapman, Mr McRae and Ms Knowles for their work in preparing this for the students.
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