May 26, 2022
All parents have been sent a link to complete a survey about St Thomas More and your feelings about how things are going for both yourselves and your children. It is important that we have a good response to this to gauge the level of satisfaction of our families and make plans for improvement if it is needed. Click on the ‘Start Questionnaire’ tab and enter the code STMPACS. This survey is completely confidential, and the school will be provided with a de-identified collated summary. If you have any questions or difficulties in accessing the link, please contact Nicolle Achmad –
May 19, 2022
On Friday we farewelled Mrs Kaye Stanley, a foundation staff member of our school. The students presented cards and gifts, along with a big Fiddle Leaf plant to remind her of the growth she helped our students make during her time.
May 12, 2022
This week, our Year 3 and 5 students have been completing the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) in a number of areas including Writing, Reading, Mathematics, Language Conventions and Spelling. The data collected from these tests helps to inform our school on how our teaching programs are going and areas we could improve in. It is important to remember that whilst these government mandated tests do give us some valuable information, what they don’t tell us is the effort students put into their work over a period of time, progress in other learning areas and the way a child shows kindness and respect to others. These also form part of a child’s learning journey and should also be acknowledged and celebrated.
May 5, 2022
The Kindy students treated their mothers and grandmothers to a lovely Morning Tea yesterday morning. The Kindy students made cake and biscuits from the Margaret River Historical Society cookbook and shared this with their mums and grandmothers, along with some tea and milo. What a lovely way to start the morning!
The P&F will be holding a Mother’s Day event from 4:00pm – 6:00pm on Friday 6th May at The River. Mums will receive a free glass of bubbles on arrival and a small gift from the P&F. Please rsvp to I do wish all mothers, grandmothers and significant women in the lives of our children a wonderful day on Sunday – I hope you get spoilt rotten and are provided with hot breakfasts and coffee in bed and no washing or cooking to be done! Thank you for all that you do!
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