May 30, 2019
It is wonderful to see such great learning continuing to happen in each of the classrooms. As I visit the classes, it is clear that the learning opportunities being presented to the children allow for creativity, problem- solving and higher-order thinking skills to be developed.
May 23, 2019
As you would be aware, we have a new website now. If not, I strongly encourage you to jump on and have a look – We hope parents and family members are easily able to navigate this site and find information. As part of our new website, we are also excited to announce that we have a mobile app available too. Simply search ‘Connected’ in the app store and download!
May 16, 2019
We were fortunate to have Kylie Howarth, an award-winning, internationally published children’s author-illustrator visit our Kindy, Year 2 and Year 6 students today. Kylie was part of the Margaret River Readers and Writers Festival and is now touring as part of the Young Readers and Writers Festival. She spoke to the children about her books ‘Chip’ and ‘Fish Kid’ and the ‘Lizard Ninja’, as well as her love for underwater exploring. It was wonderful hearing her story and having her read to our students. Kylie will be back again tomorrow to speak to other classes.
May 10, 2019
We are live!! After many months of work, our new school website is finally up and running! Jump online and check it out. Either Google search St Thomas More Catholic Primary School or go to and have a look. Very exciting!
May 8, 2019
I welcome you all back and hope you had an enjoyable and relaxing holiday and a blessed and holy Easter. It is always so uplifting to see the childrens’ happy, smiling faces on that first morning, as they catch up with friends and share many stories about what they got up to during the holidays. They are always so full of energy and enthusiasm after the break and eager to learn and discover more about themselves and their world. Let the learning, discovering, creating, solving and having fun commence!
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