Feb 27, 2020
As a school, we have a focus each term to help us think about others and our duty to show compassion, understanding and grace. We then try to link this focus to an outreach program to assist others in our community. This term’s focus is Compassion. We encourage the students to show this to each other, to forgive and try to understand different points of view, circumstances and backgrounds. Often there is a lot more to someone’s story than is visible on the surface and we encourage the students to try to remember and accept this.
Feb 20, 2020
We would like to extend a very warm welcome to all our parents, carers and grandparents to join with us as a Catholic school community to celebrate the Eucharist and receive the Ashes on Ash Wednesday, 26 February at 9.00am. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a time of repentance and renewal, of prayer and reflection, of seeking to renew and restore our relationship with Jesus and of striving to follow more closely in His footsteps. Receiving the Ashes signifies to one and all our intention to repent, to make sacrifices and changes in our lives in order to become better Christians. We would really love to see the church packed with as many parents as possible, so that you can not only share this Lenten journey with your children, but also set an example for them to follow.
Feb 13, 2020
Thank you to all the parents who came along to our Parent Information evening on Monday night. We hope this was an informative and worthwhile opportunity to find out about what will be happening over the course of the year in the classrooms and allow the opportunity for questions to be answered. Please remember to make an appointment to speak to your teacher should you ever have any questions or concerns.
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