The Vine 2021 – Issue 21
This week, Mr Wylie is attending the Catholic Primary Principals Association WA Conference in Perth, along with over 100 other Principals representing the four Dioceses in Western Australia.
30 Wallcliffe Road
Margaret River WA 6285
P.O. Box 524
Margaret River WA 6285
Phone: (08) 9757 3544
Email: admin@stmcps.wa.edu.au
30 Wallcliffe Road
Margaret River WA 6285
P.O. Box 524
Margaret River WA 6285
Phone: (08) 9757 3544
Email: admin@stmcps.wa.edu.au
Inspiring life-long learners who live their faith and contribute positively to our world
Inspiring life-long learners who live their faith and contribute positively to our world
This week, Mr Wylie is attending the Catholic Primary Principals Association WA Conference in Perth, along with over 100 other Principals representing the four Dioceses in Western Australia.
Welcome back to Term Three! I hope all families managed to have a relaxing and restful holiday period, following the busyness of Term Two.
It was wonderful to see the way the children interacted in our Wellness Week and Feast Day celebrations last week. We were particularly impressed with our Year 6 students who lead groups over the course of the day on Friday. A special thank you to the teachers for organising such fun and engaging activities for the children to participate in and to our Year 5 students for leading us in a reverent and reflective Mass on Friday morning. We are so grateful many members of our community so generously donated their time to lead the students through activities and workshops to assist with our students’ wellbeing throughout the week. We hope this week was able to provide everyone with an opportunity to reflect on their own wellness and if needed, to take some steps to make adjustments in this area.
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